Went through maths paper today, without the paper though. And i regret so much for crossing out the workings which i can't get an answer. I wasted 3 marks on it. And from question 1 to 5, i only have got 7 marks so far. Pathetic. Can't do anything about it, i'll be thankful if i even manage to hit 10.
Next was history paper. So far the one im most disappointed in. JUST scraped a pass for it. Completely ridiculous. The essay which we've practiced in class before, the one that im supposed to score, i got like a 2 out of 12. And the opinion question, which i was totally unprepared for, i got a 10 out of 13. Irony.
I think ms chia is damn disappointed in me, if not everyone of us. I've fallen, and i've fallen hard. From my A1, to a B4 now, is unacceptable. I don't knw how to take it but act like it doesn't matter. And this is everything i get from studying.
Went to the NEWater production place today. It was quite interesting. The games they told us to play. Look at this bunch of fifteen-year-olds amuse themselves with this game with a fish in the fish tank. Answer trivial questions to play.
A wrong answer would result in a crack in the fish tank and water would leak. Two wrongs and the fish would die. In the end, we answered all questions correctly. How did the fish die? NO, not by leakage of water. It died in the dirty fish tank water, because we refused to change the water. Like damn funny can. Everyone watching at us play was laughing la. Haha
Went out with sharmie, chiouyih, sinyee, chingxin, kristie, lihui, xinyu and yanyi to watch 200 Pounds Beauty at je. But much to our dismay, it wasn't available there. Wasted alot of time lagging around the place, calling up people to help us check the time available at cinemas close to us. Got quite pissed off and didn't want to go at first. The show at West Mall starting at 7pm which was damn late already. But i still went without asking.
The show is really good. Some parts quite touching. And i don't believe i cried for that. LOL. I think it's getting easier and easier for me to cry man. Ahh, must control my emotions better.
Anyway im darn tired now i want to sleep. Long day at school tmr. Zzz.
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