Friday, May 4

Physics paper today totally owned. Well okay, i don't knw if it would have helped if i had studied more. Since i did not. I have no idea why i was so tired last night that i went to sleep at 8.45pm then woke up at 10pm with half a mind to continue studying. But i could barely get a few lines into my head when my eyelids are already struggling to close out on me. So i succumbed to my fatigue and did not wake up until 5am.

I was stuck at section A, the MCQ part for nearly 30 minutes. Once i turned over the cover page, the first question stumped me already. While staring intently at my question 17, i sub-consciously fell asleep =x But still, i managed to finish the paper afterall, though i doubt i could clear a pass at all. So i still think i'd do better for chem than physics.

School let out at 9.30am, so went jec for breakfast with yanyi then went west mall to scout for mothers' day presents. Yanyi was the one who wanted to get something for her mother, not me. And i saw two more books which i want today! Both of which would total up to about 45 bucks. Zzz..

Took 157 home from there and have been slacking ever since. Okay i've highlighted what im gna study for SS. Before i bore myself stupid over the weekends and while away precious time, i'm out to study my SS and math with josephine and yanyi tmr, and of course on sunday too. Hopefully mugging now would prove to be useful, unlike my previous judgements.

Jiayou everyone! A final dash for the last 2 papers (3 for bio students) and we're free! :D Though another day closer to my D.Day. Ah well, i guess what have to come would still come. Now's the time to relax abit after a week of extensive (maybe not for me =x) study. Rest well everyone!


Been quite addicted to my current blog song - Ye Zi! The music video's kinda moving, been replaying it countless times for the past few days. Rather nice and reminiscing. I recommend Tonight by FM static too (:

4 more days. (5 for me. Module test :O) Jiayou.

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