Last day of school with 2C. The class i had spent the past hundreds of days together with. Last day being 2C's chairperson. Last day wearing my yellow insignias and badge. And absolutely the last day 2C, the last day you people will ever hear me screaming at you to line up properly. I'm sorry i was unable to give all of you all the letters today. Those who did not receive it today, i did not forget you, but just unable to finish your letter in time. You all will get one by class chalet (:
I presented the powerpoint i did of the collation of pictures taken in this year in 2C. The several activities we participated in together: Class chalet, west malaysia trip, teambuilding day, national day auditions, class outing and everything else. I'm sure the 180 slides worth of our pictures and dedications did manage to bring memories of the past year back to you. Some dedications were really very touching. Esther, youwei, yingting&sherrie's modified edition of the song "Photograph", joanne's dedications were all really touching for me. It was like just a few days ago that i was elected as 2C's chairperson. I thank everyone for tolerating my absurd tempers every so often. "Time flies? Probably" Now it is already the last day of 2C, absolutely our last official school day together.
We really sucked in cheering last year. I had lost the hope in us, during orientation. 1C was that class which just refused to open their mouths and cheer for themselves. 1C was that class which wouldn't emerge first in anything. 2C was enthusiastic at the right times. Our third in teambuilding cheering proved everything. Nobody would look down on 2C aymore for we have proven ourselves. That is our improvement, the sign of our achievment over the years.
On the 23rd december 2004, we first met. The 35 of us, strangers, aquaintances, nothing more. We knw that this is the class we are going to spend the next 2 years in, 1C. Now everyone had grown closer, the 34 as one. As 2C. Although shenjie is not here to share our laughters and sadness in this year, his memories, "the young man at the back" would stay with us, and his class tee, in our time capsule. Now the day we separate pathways, 26th october 2006. Time forus to move on. Everyone is different, everyone has their own paths to go, we can't stick together forever but we'll all be strong.
I'm thankful for having 2C with me. Our class might not have been as enthusiastic or even as bonded as other classes, but really, tell me you had enjoyed your stay in 2C, as a part of 2C. The class you had shared your smiles, your tears. Your friends here who gave you encouragement and pulled you through the difficult times. The friends whom you once cried with, gayed with, laughed with, played with. Those irreplaceable memories. I'm really glad, our class had minimum conflicts but always able to resolve it peacefully. Remember those times we always had to rush proposals and auditions last minute. The work produced wasn't top quality, but i hoped you had fun. Every single individual in 2 Complicated. We were all unique, we had different habits and way of doing things. Each and every person would not be forgotten, for it was all 34 of us who made 2C what it is today.
I had felt disappointed in the class before, i had felt lost. Some point or another, we weren't such good friends. It is at the point of leaving did we really start to treasure everyone, and accept us as who we are. I'll never forget the looks in some of your eyes as the slideshow is running. I'll never forget the laughter which rang through the class every now and then. I'll never forget the tears some of us had shed because you just couldn't bear to let the class go. Fate brought us together but time has torn us apart. Without separations, we'll never learn to treasure. Without saness, you'll never realise real happiness. Without 2C, we're nothing but atoms xD.
Sadness reigned your thoughts today, but who is to say, in 4 more years, we would become aquaintances once again. Nothing but "hi"s and "bye"s, nothing but the stranger's face once again. Who would knw if we would still reminisce, of the class once so great. Once the 1 Cheesecake, once the 2 Complicated. And who was to knw, how many could remember our time capsule promise?
No more "coffee, tea or me". Imagine having to change your msn group name from Class, to 2C'06. No more of the gayness, i'm quite sure others don't appreciate it the way we do. But whenever you feel really lonely and down, think of 2C, your 33 friends who will always be there for you. Those hard to save, but too hard to delete it. "Memories will always stay with you, with me, with 2C"
It has been a fun and very gay 2 years 2C has given me. Friends enter and leave our hearts but only true ones leave foot steps in your hearts. 2C had left, the deepest, most beautiful set in my heart. Our memories and all the times spent together would not be forgotten. Because next life, i still want to be in 2C.
It's time, to say goodbye.

我们一起开始的旅程, 在此画上了完美的句点.
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