Woke up at 4am today for no apparent reason and i feel tired. Nothing to do having woken up so early, i left for school 10 minutes earlier than my usual time. Decided to take 97 instead of 100. I reached je mrt at 6am and the bus interchange looks so...dead today. Either i haven't been there for too long or it really seemed lifeless to me. And i got on the 97 with extremely little rvians. All the better still. I wasn't in a sociable enough mood to start saying hellos to people i knw. Yeah im in a bad mood everyday. Ohwell.
School started off badly. I don't even knw what rubbed me the wrong way today that i was in a bad mood most of the time. I was practically just grumbling throughout the day... On time for chem prac today at least...
So as expected, Miss Chia talked to us about the incident and some other matters about the class. And this time, the whole thinking was different. Some really felt bad. Some cried. I never thought our teachers like Mr Liu and Mr Tan were so protective over us. The fact that it is obvious we were the ones at fault but Mr Liu thought it was his problem. I felt really, really bad, because i knw as we all knw as well, that we took the niceness of the teachers for granted. Don't deny because it is obvious. Dragging the deadline for hw just because we knw the particular teacher doesn't scold...
And i just thought of what Gohsm told us at the start of the year. 'This is only the third week, it's not like it's the third month, why can't you all hand in hw?" And from then till now, even until the third month, fourth even, i still see this situation happening over and over again. And she didn't even complain, though im sure she's one of the teachers who always receive her work late from us and had also extended a few deadlines. Although her punishments were severe, and i complain abaout them. But come to think of it. It's all fair. And tkc too, although i really dislike him and stuff but you can't deny that he's being nice by not complaining. Considering we are late for every of his lessons until only recently.
It totally, totally cracked me up.
I just hope 3H had woken up after Miss Chia spoke to us.. I really hope there will be improvements and not get ourselves into such troubles anymore.
First it was -. And then i lost my chance to lead too. Now i lose my own faith in the class. And i don't even get what im supposed to. I totally want to give up, and why not i might as well. There's nothing left for me to lose anymore. Everything is gone. Everything.
It's really hard putting on that smile everyday.
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