Went out early today to do the Earth Day sculpture. Didn't really do much. Just tore the magazines out page by page and crushed them into paper balls. And supposed to stick them together to form something, but it's too time consuming so we gave up halfway and sylvia brought it home to do. At first only me, sylvia and jieren there. Then we saw yuhong, vincent and sweecheng too.
Left for marina with sylvia and yanyi for kbox! :D Met candy there too. Today kbox 23 bucks, damn ex lorh. Xin tong T.T But then nvm, since is for sylvia's birthday. I solo-ed 10 songs today la. Though i must say i really enjoyed myself. And sylvia recorded my singing la. Omg. Anyone who listens is going to die a terrible death! LOL. Sang for a full 4 hour plus today, damn fun. And candy's singing really OWNS. She say the both of us can go join arts fest this year. Haha.

Before that mr liu called me and asked for my parents number. Zzz, made me damn worried for the whole day thinking what i did wrong. But i handed up all his hw! Then candy still help me to sms him, though there is no reply. Then when i reached home, my parents said he didnt call though my mother guessed it's because i didn't go math remedial last thursday. Apparently he doesnt believe i was sck on that day luh. Zzz.
Tmr is a monday again. Ahh sian.
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