Hmm lessons today passed very fast. Guess it was because i listened in class today. Even for math lesson, felt so 'enlightened' that i suddenly knw how to do all those alpha and beta questions. For once, things don't seem that hopeless anymore. Stayed back after school to complete my lagging essay and my chem assignment and handed both up. Then i done my chinese homework and filing while waiting for kristie. I've done all my homework due today and tmr! Feel accomplished (: So long since i really got down and done serious work.
Anyway, PE's touch rugby sucked man. I hate it. Late again, done 40 push-ups again. My knees arh...Are they going to have that two bruises there permanently or something..? LOL.
After school went out to eat with kristie. Ahh chatted about alot of stuff. About our parents, sec2 class, 3H and many many other things. We're going vivo tmr for the Ben&Jerry's ice-cream (:
When i was so determined that i would most difinitely erase the times from my mind, i still feel that connection. I guess it's really quite impossible to forget about all of it. Whatever it is, i do miss the things we use to do. Looks like refraining from conversation doesn't help. For me at least. I hope you are even talking about me.
I still feel that connection.
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