Hello people, im back! LOL. Okay i was actually back this morning...like 1+am. Yeah. The celebration was quite fun bah. But extremely damaging to the ears. LOL. Because they went to this restaurant which had karaoke facilities....and....you should knw what happened right -.- For one thing, the atmosphere was damn high, the adults were downing glasses of alcohol. It was quite tortourous to hear people from one generation back sing the songs, from their generation, no less. But i found it even more torturous to listen to people from our generation sing songs which we all knw, and go completely out of tune. It's just painful. They care about shouting into the microphone and not actually singing. So i figured kbox is still better for me. Haha.
We all left the restaurant with most of the adults drunk like some shit. We got into the car with my cousin at the wheel. And she reversed...and BANG. She reversed right into her father's car. -.- And i was like WTF there la. Zzz.
Then at night, i feel damn bored and then my father decided to take me and my bro back. Midnight driving. It was cool, though a little scary. I mean, although my father didn't drink, it was still 11.15pm and there is this long long road full of sharp bends and all that. I was quite worried that i kept my eyes wide awake and on the road ahead for the whole time until he was out of that long long road of bends. And i fell into a rather deep sleep.
Next time i woke up was 12.45am, coming back close to singapore already. We reached home at 1.15am. 2 hours drive only. Haha. And i slept at 4am. Zzz so i was hell tired when i woke up at 12pm today. Went out to the library to return the book that was due today. Though it was raining, i still had to go. And the thing is, once i stepped up the bus, the rain actually stopped right then. And the best thing is, i actually forgot to bring the book out. So much trouble for nothing. Stupid girl -.-
Don't knw how to do my math ws. And i left all my chem notes in school man, can't do my assignment. But everything else is done! I feel accomplished. LOLL (:
连吊着秋千的铁链都可以断掉, 更何况是牵着这份感情那细细的一条线. 早就已断了, 随风消失不见. 坚决会忘记, 我就一定会. 为什么还要记得这份心碎, 我就让它也随风不见.
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