Sunday, March 12

today was that stupid walkathon thing...
was really stupid cos i woke up at 0530
and im supposed to give cy his morning sms
at 0515. urghh. and im meeting jin at 0550.
no time. juz pia and got outta the hse.
jin even later. didnt wait in the end.

the thing ultra spastic. nth to do. walk then sit down
and eat some dried up lousy beehoon and feeling
completely siann. then they tell us to go play the games
so i said i juz wanna sit and sleep. but queue up
for some candy floss in the end. after that went home liao.
i was there like sian like some shit and i sms peiqi
and she takes a hell of a time to reply until i
wanna kill myself. but yeahh. she's at a CHALET.
not some boring walkathon. of course she's taking her
own sweet time. urgh..

then went to eat ice kacang with jin, shi bin, tessa, maria,
valerie and kwan ling. then me and jin and
shibin went to jp to walk walk see see.
nth much. du diao. after that jin went home i went
to basement and chatted with shibin until dixon
shaun and jia qiang came. they wanted to watch
movie but i dun want and their movie is 1635.
so i chatted like so long with them about
like everything...then my father called me 3 times
and sounded extremely pissed when i finally went home.

wells, making cookies tmr for dixon and my dear jennings.
so lucky larh you. i hope peiqi was like that too. but
nvm, she's still my fav. =)


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