Friday, November 10

Walked through the rain again today, three days straight already. how come i'n still not sick yet. Lol, getting more and more sadistic already.

So i went to see my brother's teachers today. And i was extremely bu shuang. Because i was forced, against my will, to wake up at 8am, so frigging early in the morning to accompany him to the retarded meeting. And i waited for 10 torturous minutes with two mothers constantly turning their heads, looking at me like i'm an exhibition in the musum. As if wondering how i can have a son like my bro at my age -.- Brainless asses. After 10 minutes, i went and sat down at one of the chairs, 3 teachers, english, maths and chinese. And you knw what? Each teacher said one sentence to me, and i was quickly dismissed. Like WTF? Hello! I woke up so friggin early and waited 10 minutes but i spoke to them for barely 2 minutes. Absolute bullcrap. Ohwell, must i go in my RV uniform before they can start treating me like someone important? Okay, maybe that doesn't help either. Screw it.

Then i went training, caught in the rain again. Super heavy rain. 5 seconds in the rain and i'm drenched and soaked to the skin. Third day in the rain. And everytime i get in the rain, i get drained of all energy. Causing jiao lian to keep saying thatmy backhand got problem today. Omg.

And i'm held to do something against my will out of an unreasonable promise.

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