Tuesday, February 28


seriously, i thought your explanation yesterday
cleared everything in doubt and everything was
back to normal. but apparently not.
* didnt speak to me today. and of course i
didnt speak to * too. the feeling is juz
SO bad. i dunno why this is happening.
i really thought it was all ok. but it's so...
* didnt even say bye to me when * left.
i dunno wads the problem! HAIX. the
feeling REALLY sucks.

another even more sucky thing. i am
second doubles for the nanyang match. and i think
we will lose even more chamm. coach did smth
like separating xinhui and yanran. he actually
put xinhui as doubles with zhijun! i mean, how bad can that be?
a sec 1 and a sec2. scary to even think of
wad might happen to xinhui.
and yanran is now 3rd singles. DIE DING LE.
for one thing, i might not even get to play if the
3 at the front all win or all lose. so.....
if one of them win, and the other 2 lose, then the
set score will be 2-1. then is 2nd doubles which
is me. important match! if we LOSE, then it's all
over. if we WIN.(like izzit even possible), the set
score will be 2-2 and yanran will hafta be
the crucial person. whether we win or lose
depend on her. but as a sec 1, she is juz so panicky!
so regardless of wadever, the final verdict will
be us losing. wadverr.

lets hope i get sick on that day...


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