Day 1 at Hwa Chong!

Packing up after preparation for opening speech! xD

Mr Tan made us take this photo, fully clad in blazer and court shoes!

The BIG auditorium of HCI. Opening ceremony!

The choir from ACJC. They sang damn nice xD

The HCI lion dance troupe.

The ECOSOC people: Norine, Natalie and Dorothy.

I don't knw what comm is this =/ Isn't it intimidating, one table means you can't doze off lorh! =x

My committee! GA 5! See lirui slacking? Im out of the pict, to lirui's left side.

Wahhh Hester is so hardworking in her comm! =D

ECOSOC! See dorothy?

This is Jonathan and Shuyun's comm. GA 2.

Whoot so many people..!

Debriefing from third day. I'm the one in black. See desmond lim in action! LOL.

Erm, can someone tell me what lirui is doing?

Group photo for third day at Hwa Chong xD

The computer room where delegates work on their resolutions!

General Assembly Plenary Session! Goodness, this rocks man.

Oh, so THIS is where those admin staffs hide and slack! xP


Me and jaslin trying to act studious to hide the camera! xDDD

I have no idea why i look like that =/

Hwa Chong string ensemble with the piece 4 Seasons.

The president playing the piano! His fingers damn fast one larh.

Haha, try spotting dorothy! They were trying to act dao with their backs! =D

Dorothy resurfaced! Don't knw why i look kinda dao in here xD

Group pict with bryan tan, i like this pict (:

Whoot! Catch jaslin in action! LOL.

The World Bank gang (:

The IMF gang! (((: I love this one!
Finally, the most important people!

GA 5 Deputy Chair, Hoon Kim! Yeah, the one looking directly at the camera in thick black specs (:

GA 5 chair, WAN JIN PARK =DDD Okay whatever, i knw he isn't THAT cute. But his actions are, trust me. And he looks cuter in person! (((: He looks so mature here right?! As an actual fact, he's only 15! =DDD
Okay, training today was abit slack. Only 4 people turned up. Not including meiling and chyiwei. After that we went to eat KFC and we talked about alot of weird weird things like dreams. Yeah, that's about all.
Oh man, my earphones! They dropped to the back of my double decker bed and getting them out means having to lug the whole bed out larh..Oh my how to survive without my beloved earphones? Or am i supposed to buy a new one? Zzz okay
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