Wednesday, December 20

Okay, im finally alive enough to come and blog. Man, i was like half-conscious last night when i blogged the below post. Lol. Replies to tags!

Kailin> LOL, you can have 400 posts too, if you blog everyday like me, sometimes got two or three posts, awhile you will reach this number liao. Haha.

Jingzhan> I don't knw, the link is correct i checked already. Maybe is her blog de problem, try going from another person's blog and see.

Jaslin> LOL you are about the 3rd person who is obssessed with my hair! Haha. And sad case larh you have to go malaysia. Lol.

Ariel> Haha, im hardcore blogger mah.

Jonathan> Oh okay...enjoy arh, okay larh, i should say it was OKAY. =x Okay, what the hell is ebbillxx? Lols, THIMUN outing arh, you organise lorh, then i go. Haha but let me finish the goddamn hw first. Zzz.

Xuanwei> Haha it was OKAY. LOL. Cannot work arh? Oh even sadder for jaslin =x

Gohhua> Wah piang, you get to sleep on the bed and you slept you don't dare come here and tell me you're tired lorh. Zzz.

Okay, so im finally alive enough to blog. I was using the comp halfway yesterday then my head like suddenly plopped down on the table. LOL. Then i went to sleep. From last night 8pm knockout until this afternoon 3pm. I slept for 19 hours man. Haha but i still feel abit like floating or something larh, challenged my nocturnalism, i win my shifu okay! Haha. Damn pathetic i only took 8 pictures during chalet. Sianz.

Alright, the first day, i woke up at 7am to pack. Because i don't knw whether my 30min packing skill will work. Then i packed in 20min -.- Then the rest of the time till 9am i was working on something. Then i reached je at abut 9.30am to wait for jaslin for my cam. I met yijun and kahhan there, the rest were late. Lol. Actually i also don't knw why i went, me and yijun basically go and follow them around while they get the things only. We went to slack at long john with dixon, kahhan and shaun. Shaun is a highly dangerous person -.- The chicken juice (?) keeps leaking, LOL and then we went to pasir ris to meet with the rest. Actually only got pinning, yunrong and gohhua.

When i reached the chalet, i was very shocked at the size of it. No, not because it's hell big. Sadly, because it's hell small. Haha but then okay larh, the ppl gambled and stuff while i stoned and stoned from 2pm until i don't knw when. Actually i can't really remember everything. Only knw i just kept stoning as some seniors reached. Can't have bbq due to the stupid rain. So we stayed in and they ate delivery food, from peiqi's mother. Haha okay. Then they stayed up the whole night gambling, and a few of us played truth or dare until like 6am then went to eat breakfast then they went back and gambled again while i slept for like 15min. Got some 19 and 20 year old seniors come back man, then wow, i knw none of them sia. Haha

The juniors went to escape in the morning and then came back after about 1 hour, tell me they went on all the rides but then feel very sian. Why? Because i not there to entertain them. -.- Win liao lorh. Then they also come and stone with me. Sometime while they stoning, or maybe it was on the first day, aiya i dun remember, they went out with me and they ripped off my money to buy mai ya tang -.- Zzz 3 bucks, flew away. Haha then still want me to buy drinks for them when they eating instant noodles. Scam my money, lol.

Second night also rain. Like what shit, no rain, drizzle for 5 min, heavy rain for 5 min, drizzle again, heavy rain again. What kind of crap la. Then chienying and yangzhi only two left in the rain, carry umbrella there trying to bbq the chicken wings then they came back in when it started raining cows. Zzz, according to gohhua, it cannot be eaten man. Haha full of the essence of rain. That night everyone slept, or at least tried to sleep. Went out at night to the shelter with some seniors then went mac with zhijun also. Went back and tried to sleep. Not that i cannot sleep actually, i can sleep everywhere, just that didn't feel like sleeping although i was hell tired.

Did some cleaning up also, haha that icy goo in the fridge. LOL. Money under the bed and all that larh. Okay i really cannot remember anymore le, some random stuff larh

  • Antonio likes moeka -.- (I'm joking)
  • They have a moeka fan club -.-
  • Our dear male seniors (mostly sec 3s) are GENTLEMEN indeed, hogged the 4 beds and left all of us female juniors die off on the floor ourselves -.-
  • Shaun has good ideas for the dare part of truth or dare, like he dared jason to put his hand in the toilet bowl and flush.
  • Pin ning is known s the ghost because of her hair. Haha
  • Yijun fell down wearing my very slippery flips (I'm sorry =x)
  • Some ppl like kwanling, jason and dianyang got stomachache after eating the food.
  • Somebody called xuankai twice in the middle of the night, like 3am la!
  • Pin ning likes opening doors because she kept going in and out of the room for no reason. Lol
  • Chienying is pro at the game in peiqi's phone.
  • Gohhua cannot stop jumping around -.-
  • I talked gibberish to peiqi at like 5plus in the morning while im half sleeping. Haha.
  • Weiwen and company are racist larh. zzz.

Okay i cannot remeber anymore le. And training yesterday was abit slack. Paired doubles with peiqi and was like gao xiao la, we scare juniors only. Haha. Yesterday seems like today. I'm talking gibberish.

Must say a very big THANK YOU to a few people:

Most importantly, peiqi and the rest of RVTT EXCO for organising this chalet.
Chienying for the very nice hu shen fu (: You'll receive your letter soon. (:
Kwanling for the books and the very nice mickey mouse chocolates! I bu she de eat them, haha (:
Peiqi again for the whatever strap you call it (haha) and the monkey hp acessory (:
Jennings for the letter and the milk bottle of toy candy -.- LOL, i will also remember jennings and celestine = doubles pro! (: You'll receive your letter soon too. (:
Yeejin for the very cute mickey mouse hp acessory (:

And of course, everyone who went fron dear RVTT who made this chalet damn gao xiao =D I LOVE RVTT <33

& Im sniffing around...

[edit] After my crazy 19 hours of sleep, i still feel sleepy >< [/edit]

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