and we walked round and round the place alright.
haha. changed a skin. i like this skin! cos im a lime
green addict xP haha okay. so i shall blog about
the west m'sia trip from 3rd june to 5th june.
on 3rd june, i woke up at like 4.45am. haha bloody early
larh. then after alot of checking and double checking,
i left the house at 5.20am and my father drove
me to school in his car. reached school at around 5.50
instead of the designated 6. already got quite alot
of people there and chatted around and took attendance
and called and waited then finally boarded the super
ulu bus at around 6.40. leaving for m'sia and sent my
last msg to jie. haha i knew she cant wake up.
LAZY JIE! wahaha.
we were on the bus for a super long time. went down for
lunch at yong peng but i didnt eat. haha. then we went
SHOPPING! at mahkota mall. the clothes there are damn
nice and damn cheap. i cant resist buying. anyway i bring
money there to spend de mah. i brought like 300RM
there larh. dun spend come back and convert is your own
loss oso lorh. haha ya so i spend like 150RM. and my mum
still asked me why i didnt finish all. haha so i guess i should
have. xP okay nvm. so there, i bought two tops there.

The orange one is a reebok one. and the black one is
an imitation of esprit. haha im not that rich.
ok. we waited like 45 min at the malaysia custom for our
transfer bus. 2D's bus came first and we waited and waited
some more. and so. there was this whole series of ariel and
peishi's gaying around.

#1 Acting sleepy.

#2 Acting dao.

#3 Blowing kisses.
While waiting...

Our first clique photo there.

is yanyi the new ambassador for mentos?

thats pocheng and panyin, yushan's face is blocked.

we took another clique star using feet and our sport shoes (:

i think this pict is damn cool. its the 5 of us.
my idea (:

What are the teachers and the tour guide discussing

look at everyone waiting for the darn bus.
Finally the bus came...we were on our way to malacca.
long trip. and then...

the girls started playing heart attack.

peishi started gaying around...

Veron statrd grabing zhaowei's hp...
and after dunno how long of sitting on the bus until
all our butts hurt, we reached malacca. for the city
tour. i forgot which place izzit.

its our second clique photo. supposed to see the beautiful
fountain. but the photographer sucks. shall not say
who izzit. haha.

clique stairs! without veron. she's takin the pict.

walking and walking the endless stairs...

i think 2C guys are damn brave. thats one fat snake.

and yun zheng is my idol! haha thats an iguana btw.

the ice-cream is damn nice. (:

thats an old and disgusting well filled with the
most er xin things you can imagine at the bottom. eew..
at the st.paul place...the place is damn windy and
there is a nice seaview...

so beautiful...

lydia, me and yanyi.

magnificent canon with peishi and veron sitting there...

thats lydia and me (:

guokai gaying at the hot canon. haha
while walking to the mahkota shopping mall...
i caught THEM doing lesbianic acts.

dun get me wrong..haha yanyi seduced lydia...haha
after one and a half hours of shopping...back to the bus!

mobile gambling den. this gambling den moves. do you?
then i slept alot and then at night we checked in the hotel
and it was damn creepy. alot of mirrors in the room and
in the end. me and jos bunked in with yanyi and yvonne haha
next day..on the way to to the padi place...out bus
BROKE DOWN. causing us to fall behind schedule...

the bus uncle doesnt seem to knw wad to do.

and meanwhile, gk is just gaying around...
finally, the bus started moving (i dunno how), then we reached
the place. and the in house guide explained the process
nobody listened except mrs chew. which is expected

look at the beautiful padi shoots. haha..
then we proceeded to have a kampong lunch which
is very very nice. just that we hafta eat using our hands.
and we had one bowl of cockles which some of the 2D guys
had like 4 bowls. which is bloody gay.then we headed to the
mango farm. and everyone was busily eating the mangoes
instead of listening.

guokai looks nice in my visor dun you think?
then we went to climb bukit melawati. due to time
constraints, we sat the tram instead. it was a bit of a
disapointment cos i expected the place to be higher.

those are monekys. specially taken for jie (: monkey lover.

i like this clique photo! overlooks the beautiful scenery.

i like this photo as well ! i was standing at the edge
of the stairs to take it =/

group pict. though not everyone is in. xP
and i made a beautiful RVTT keychain there.

the front says, be the greatest among the best.
the other one is made in malacca.
we went to the firefly place at night. unable to take any
photos. the place is infested with mossies. but i didnt
get bitten. hmm. the fireflies atre really beautiful.
like christmas lights. all glittering on the trees.
we were in a boat by the way. and the boat was going ever so
slowly and one of the fireflies stil flew into
our boat and joanne freaked out and almost rocked the whole
then at night, almost the whole class squeezed into
zhaowei, jiachen and guokai's room. they played their
card games, watched swimmers on tv and just talked.
pretty loudly i might add. and caused the reception to scold
us. "i wshed you all could be more considerate"
*roll eyes* LIKE I CARE. hahaha. anyway anyway,
after that, they suddenly told us there was a spot check
and well, everyone chiong back to their own rooms. hahaha
in the end. it was just a bloody prank larh. oh whatever.
finally on the last day, we went to the FRIM
(forest research institution malaysia) and had a 1hr
walk through the forest and of course lotsa
mossies and leeches even. our class ppl were damn
freaked out except yun zheng. he caught a leech and i
dunno what he did with it. everyone kenna
mosquito bites again and i still nothing although
i was wearing blue skirt. haha. then we went to the
sample museum at the place.

the pretty butterfly samples.

yanyi and yingting at the butterly samples.

thats a big hole. or izzit just hollow?
we got out of the museum and waited for the darn bus veh long

waiting and waiting...

the boys are gaying while waiting..

the girls are intently chatting with the in house guide
of FRIM.
then we went for our lunch. and since we still have time,
the tour guide let us go shopping for an hour at sunway
lagoon in KL. the place is damn big with lotsa nice shops.
although i was screaming to go back to s'pore hahaha but
i cant resist it you knw. and i bought another 2 tees here.

i like the monkey shirt.hahaha.
ok. then we reached the malaysia custom at 8 i guess. then 2D
called and wanted us to wait for them when they are 30 min behind us.
i was like thinking if want to wait also wait in singapore custom
not m'sia one. i bloody want the reception back. imagine how was i screaming
when it came back larh. flike finally?!? hahaha. reached
home at either 9 plus bah.
wahh blogged so long. shall stop.
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