okay, this is crazy, i updated the third time today.
cos i was super sian and i go blogsurfing and i
went to wee's blog and found that she say whoever
went to her blog must do this:
1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesnt make sense. NO CHEATING!
4. Tag 5 ppl at their tagboard to ask them to do this!
5. Bold the questions and with the answers, give your own comments on how it relates to the questions.
How are you feeling today?
Hips don't lie- Shakira
How do your friends see you?
Xun zhao- Fan Wei Qi
does that means they are looking for the true me? lol.
Will you get married?
Imagine me without you- Jaci Velasquez
is this good or bad?
What's your best friend's theme song?
Chang tou fa-Fan Wei Qi
oh yeah, like i have any best friend at all. somemore, with long hair lol.
What was primary school like?
Jie shou- Fish leong
it was like acceptance? wow
How can you get ahead in life?
Aurora- Angela Chang
What is the best thing about your friends?
Bless the Broken road- Rascal Flatts
i don't get it..
What's in store for this week?
Because of you- Kelly Clarkson
yeah i knw, because of you. but who?
What song describes you?
Yi yan wan nian- S.H.E
eh, does this mean that i got yuan jian? LOLS.
To describe your grandparents?
Down- JJ Lin
down? i think they still very highh
How is your life going?
Can't break through- Busted
okay, pretty much in deep shit.
What song will they play at your funeral?
I can't go on- F.I.R
who play this song i will haunt that person. already dun needa go on liaox what.
How does the world see you?
We're all in this together- High School Musical
not bad arh, we're all in this together worr
Will you have a happy life?
Cai bu tou- Angela Chang
wahh, cant predict one arh.
What do your friends really think of you?
Ba ai fang kai- F.I.R
er, they want me to let go of what?
Do ppl secretly lust after you?
Tian tian ye ye- F.I.R
er, everytime of the day? gayness
How can i make myself happy?
Fu yun- Angela Chang
to be like a cloud? LOLS.
What should you do with your life?
Wo shi xing fu de- Fish leong
heh, im already xing fu le
Will you ever have children?
Ai qing yoghurt- JJ lin
ehh, guailan
The next 5 lucky ppl:
if you happy and you knw it then JUST DO IT (:
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