Wednesday, February 28
So today's lessons were like sian. Chinese lesson didn't collect jian bao. Like thank god man. I didn't do it larh. And AGH ate into physics lesson which gohsm ate into maths lesson and Mr liu ate into our break. Wtf. So talking about physics lesson, i totally screwed my physics oral presentation up. Considering i typed the speech out at 11.30pm last night, half falling asleep and stuff i didn't have much time to memorise it larh. Then gohsm called me to go present when i wasn't even prepared. Then ohwell, went and forgot everything. Now im going to flunk. Wth, first time im going to flunk oral presentation. Math ate into like 25min of our 30min break?! Causing us to eat damn rush like some crazy people and run back to class. WTF.
And im like sick? Damn flu. Caused me to have some fever just now. Freaking sian la. Competition on friday. Better be well by then. Zzz.
And there's math test tmr which im going to flunk for sure. Since i flunked the first. Everything is so damn fcked up.
& i hate people who don't move in to the centre of the mrt carraige which caused me to miss 6 FREAKING TRAINS before i can get on one and go home. Bloody waste of time.
Monday, February 26
Don't knw why im suddenly overwhelmed by that feeling again today. It could have been so much different. But well, guess i could only accept the facts.
Saturday, February 24
Had CIP today. My mother was supposed to wake me up at 6am, but she woke me up half an hour later. So i reached school about 5 min late but i saw Mr Tan on 100! So it doesn't matter =D
Started out with some briefing for what we were supposed to do. 3H + a group of 4A students are going to revamp the library, condemn books, buy new books and furnishings etc. We were given a rough ida of how the final library would look like. It would be great, but the best part is that it is done by 3H! And of course not forgetting the group of 4A students too.
My job was supposed to be re-wrapping the books which had gone through a round of condemnation and unwrapping. The re-wrapping part was rather tricky because the laminating plastic sticks and is easy to trap air bubbles. But after Ms Teo demonstrated, everyone split up into groups and started work. We worked for very long, picking up speed along the way. The people who were doing the unwrapping were very fast and kept placing big piles of books on our tables to be rewrapped. Like omg, look at those books will be stunned. Moreover, they are only from the fiction section. There are more than twice the amount of non-fiction books compared to fiction ones. Just imagine man. Ohmygod.
We had a 45min break. Had some snacks prepared byMs Chia and Ms Teo. Very nice of them. We only took about 15min, cleared up, and went back to work. We're too committed to the work already (: Ms Teo talked about some overnight CIP in school during March holidays. But too bad for UG ones, have to go for UG camp lorh. But i don't think it's very possible. I told my mother and she shook her head -.- But if it's true it's going to be like FREAKING COOL CAN. Wahh... ohwell~
After CIP, alot of 3H people went to jec for class lunch. 24 according to sylvia's blog. The whole back part of 97 is like occupied by 3H people. But when we reached, it started raining. Just walked through slowly, so long since i went in the rain. While listening to emo songs too. In the end couldn't find a place which all of us could go, so we split up. At first after lunch going to lag in the library, then like so many people jsut went home, guys play lan then left me and sylvia. Went library then knw the guys didnt go play lan. But only got 7 ppl. After a while we left for tiong cos melvin had to work.
Only me, sylvia and jieren went to tiong specially to eat LJS served by melvin. We kep guailn-ing him there. Hahaha. Then went walk walk awhile then went home. Tmr going out to buy cloth and doing abit of noticeboard. Finishing up on monday. Going to rock! (:
Sorry if i missed out any random fact. Zzz, i feel sick.
When am i EVER going to talk to you again. Am i just thinking too much, hoping too much? Have you already decided? What can i do...
Friday, February 23
Had chinese test today. It's probably the hardest one i had ever taken in my RV life man, what the hell. It seriously needs alot of inference and reading in between the lines. But nvm, it's good training for history students! So now, can only wait and hope for a better grade in chinese. Last hope i have.
Had english formal letter test today as well. Nothing special, thought maybe can do quite well. Informal letter test got back, only 20/30. Hope this second letter can help pull up my marks a little too. Got my first assignment for the e-mag already. Not exactly got the assignment but told to brainstorm abit. But i shall not say what bah. Thought of some ideas and interviews i could do with some people. Hope it would be fun.
Physics speech today. Luckily i didn't get picked, because i did not prepare anything at all. =x I was time-keeper, rather stupid, keep raising my hand at the signal of each time interval. Some of the people who presented had fine speeches. Like yuhong, went up there loooking like he is going to faint. So called "preparing his heart" for the speech. But he did a good speech and we all knw it. Not bad, physics rep!
Training was slack. Kwanling and Shining came back to train with us! I was too damn tired to really train. After so long without training, the feel becomes weird again. Ah, shan't talk much about it. After training went to jec with zhijun and kwanling for dinner. Then reached home at 8.45pm.
And....RMUN is here! Ohmybloodygod. Decision making time again. So do i join this time, or do i not? It's during the June holidays man, the time is like so packed. I had fun in THIMUN last year, but the preparation process was torturous, really. I don't want to be like when i was in THIMUN, regretting my decision everytime. I really need to set things straight and discuss this properly with jaslin and jonathan. It starts on 29th may. Which is like 2 days after my birthday, i bet we'll be doing smth on that day too larh. Argh, dilemma.
Okay, i shall finish my SS reflections and hand it in tmr. Then im going to sleep!
You knw, i really cannot stand people saying i am a irresponsible person when obviously im more responsible than the person who said it. I might not hand up homework on time, that is irresponsibility, but at the very least, i have the basic responsibility to go for appointments on time and stuff like that. I don't think that im perfect but i think i am at least responsible enough to hold a leadership position and do what is expected of me well. At least i bear the consequences of the things i do. This is called being responsible.
"Like you very responsible like that." Yes, i am not 100% responsible, but at the very least i knw that i am more responsible than you. Don't you even dare come and say that im not responsible if you're even thinking about ponning cip tmr okay. That is not called responsible. Don't use tired as an excuse, because you have no reason to be more tired than everyone else. Not like you got work, not like you stay back extra late for your class or cca. Everyone is as tired as you, don't think being tired is a reason to pon. You don't sleep as late as i do every night, you also don't wake up as early, how much more tired can you get?
I don't knw if you'll read this, but if you do, you knw very obviously that im talking about you. It's really not funny okay. Saying "Kiddin" after that sentence doesnt help. It already shows that you feel that way about me. It's really alright to say im irresponsible, ONLY if you are sure that you are more responsible than i am.
But yknw, if you were really that responsible, maybe you won't have kept me waiting nearly every single time, you wouldn't have overshot too much of your smses, you would have understood that actually being tired is not such a big deal at all.
Random people who pass by and offended by what i say, please don't try to act like a inference pro and start inferring what i have typed like a noob okay. If you knw nothing, you shut up and don't comment. This is only to you and you alone. Not like you don't knw im pissed with you for saying that. And you can go ahead and be pissed with me for saying all these. Because there really isn't a reason for you to be pissed at all. Because im every bit as responsible, if not more that you.
So who are you to say im irresponsible?
Thursday, February 22
Screwed up both math and physics test today. Not unexpected at all. Didn't have enough time to even complete both papers. Math is like this, physics also like this. Flunked both, certified. Ohwell. Tmr chinese and english test. Hopefully my two strongest subjects won't fail me this time.
After school went out to look for cloth. Wasted time, didn't get a freaking thing. Earphones damn expensive. 80+ bucks, although got money but still xin tong. Zzz, i'll wait till my earphones cut and rot my left ear first before i change my earphones. So long since i felt the feeling of sound coming from both earphones. Pathetic.
Damn tired from the long walking today. And only to realise i haven't done my physics speech for tmr and i totally forgot about the singapore studies hw until vincent reminded me. Ohwell. Guess i don't have to sleep early today again. And i'll probably wake up late for the third consecuetive day tmr.
Maybe i should skip school tmr =x Ohwell~
Feeling damn empty. What does that mean? I don't knw. Is that what empty means? Argghh.
Suddenly thought of too many things. Not of the past. Of now. Of what's to come. What's happening right now which i don't knw of. Can't describe what im feeling. Just hope you xin li ming bai. If you ever will ming bai.
If you ever get to read this that is.
Is this feeling empty?
Wednesday, February 21
Stoned here for approximately 40min. Don't knw what i was thinking about. But certainly not about THAT. -points up-
Lessons today were short, wednesday, like duh. Tests tmr, math and science. Going to flunk them both, pathetic. And i haven't prepared my physics speech. Think im probably the slackest girl in 3H. Ohwell, expected as well. Zzz. Chem article review due on friday. Another one im flunking.
So my subject flunking list goes: MATH- Check. PHYSICS- Check. CHEM- Check.
And probably more coming up too. Lalala, i can't help feeling stupid sometimes. Ohwell. I probably am luhh.
Tmr going to stay back and decorate the class noticeboard. And it isnt going to look very royal by tmr thanks to the two stupid shops which were closed today and caused me a wasted trip too. After the work then going out to sought for cloth. Since the shop would be reopened on 25/2. What the heck. Alright boss, enjoy your chinese new year yeah. Zzz.
Bye people, wish me luck for tmr. Hope that my airspace for a head and brain would work wonders tmr.
Probably the longest period of time since i last talked to you. Never stayed out of contact so long before. Where are you? ): I've been thinking of you so much everyday. Too much. Just hoping you wont let me go.
Tuesday, February 20
Sally> I where got bad to your seniors? Match is like that de mah. You knw which junior? Dexter uh? LOL.
Yingying> Haha, yeah classic action. Yuhong posed for us to take picture one larh!
Sharm> Thank you thank you (:
Junice> Ohwell, being emo every now and then is good for mental development i suppose xP. The going gets tough sometimes, so i'll get tougher. I'll be alright, thanks anyway. (:
Yanyi> LOL okay larh, don't really knw what you talking about anyway. Haha.
Sylvia> Yeah, of course, come back pei mah, if not i bored to death there and you bored to death in school. LOL.
Hello people, sinyee is back!
Okay, what is the big deal -.- I almost got bored to death there alright. Took a few pictures with my hp bah, but haven uploaded it so maybe i'll blog them tmr. Maybe not.
My cousins all became more shuai and more chio. Ya larh, my mother say im the most not chio not good not whatever de liao larh. Zzz, like i don't knw that already, don't need to rub it in my face.
New year this year was okay bah. Although i no red packets to take but then my parents made up for it liao, gave me quite alot. So i woke up at 4.10am on 18th morning to catch that 6am train. Was rather crowded, and my mother, brother and i had to sit in the uh, pantry area of the train. Reached there at like 9+am. Then 3/4 of my time in 18th is to stone and stone and stone some more. The remaining 1/4 time is sleeping + random stuff larh. Seriously bored. Where are all my cousins who used to hang out with me?
Then my mother came and tell me, even the one i am closest with and one year older than me de got boyfriend liao. So im so bored on my own lorh. Ohwell. Then nvm, tried doing hw, but the math formulas i all cannot remember, physics also only knw how to do abit. Zzz. Think im flunking all the tests on thursday.
At night my aunt brought us kids to the higher grounds there to play crackers and stuff. Seeing all my younger cousins fight for more crackers to play with, reminds me of me last time. And now, i give all mine to them to fight over. Lol. All i did there was stare at the sky half the time looking at that starry sky which i can't see here. Seriously beautiful. And well, the other half of the time is looking out for fire crackers which my cousins threw in my way.
Second day was better bah. My cousin wanted to go out with me, then okay lorh, since i so bored also. Then who knws, she brought her boyfriend along, then i like so extra there be lightbulb -.- Also nv really enjoy, i mean how to? Then went back and stoned again. Until my cousin took me out for a spin on her motorbike. Then damn shuang, she took me round the whole of the little precinct, which is really quite little. And she told me alot about some of the stories there, some quite scary =x And some of her school stuff, how she knw her boyfriend etc. I got nth to tell her larh, so i just "hmm, uh, orh" all the way. LOL.
But it was really shuang bah, alot of places i never went before, alot of stories i wouldn't have believed until she tell me. Should really go back more often le. We went back when she received a call that my father is back. After that just stuck around with her, watched abit tv. Sent more emo songs into my hp -.- and blah.
And this morning i came back. I love the comp so much. And i love my hp reception so much man. My brother was like saying if the reception come back, later i receive like 40 messages or smth. Then in the end, NTH. Pathetic. LOL. After about 1 hour, went out to my uncle's house for dinner. Did nth, really only dinner then talk abit with my uncles and aunts then went home.
And now im struggling to finish my module background research and thinking how i finish my physics by tmr. Zzz..
I really cannot fathom why my father loves putting me down so much. And my mother thinks that i want to be a lawyer is play play only. Like wth? I'm not play play-ing about the lawyer part larh. I might not be able to make it at the end of the day but im definitely not play play-ing about it alright. At least let me have something to work towards. :f
Ohwell, tmr is another good day with 3H. Can't wait to start deco-ing the class noticeboard.
Saturday, February 17
Anyway the reunion dinner wasn't even like a reunion dinner because so few people were there. After that i just went outside and stoned on my own. And thought of who would have pei me everytime im so bored on my own. Arghh ):
Come on sinyee. Stop being so bloody emo man. This isn't like you. Get over it and shut up already.
No, i don't want to and i won't shut up. If you're so sick of me already...then i think just get lost bah, there's really nothing i can do about it. At least i don't go around in school with a glum face and let every one see what im really feeling.
Nvm, im going to try to enjoy my little visit to my grandma's house in malaysia tmr. So there's a 2 day rest from my emo posts. Hope everyone enjoys their chinese new year and get lots of money and eat all the goodies (: Enjoy!
Today's New Year's Eve. I bought a Puma bag! Yayness =D
It's quite nice and costs like 20+ bucks. Obviously it's a fake, im not quite rich enough to buy a genuine Puma bag. Heh.
Apart from that, it's really boring at home and everything. Then in the evening going to my grandma's house for reunion dinner. Like don't knw how long since i've been there. I think it's going to be seriously sian. And this one is going to entertain me ):
Did i mention that 3H people took some photos in class yesterday? And sinyee sent it to me! So i shall post a few funny and nice ones here. My entries are so full of pictures nowadays.12/15 3H girls. Don't knw where is Candy and Chingxin. Phyllis was absent from school.
Ehh i look weird here. =/ And silin isn't in it.
Me and sylvia! Sistas rule! (:
This is a classic!
Bonding of a CCA leader and a class leader! xD
Double Sinyee(s) =DDD
And that's all for today (: Maybe i'll blog when i get back from the reunion dinner. But i doubt larh. Ohwell.
Really getting too emo nowadays. Keep deleting cheerful songs and replacing them by storing sad songs in. 14 out of 20 songs in my hp are emo =x Oh wth. Listening to sad songs are the times when i'll start thinking about you and everything that happened. It's probably the way i can be reminded of you most. Cos we just left everything hanging and i can't stop thinking.
I like being emo. But i hate myself for being emo. And i hate it more when i have to hide that im feeling emo so as not to affect everyone around me. Argh nvm...i'll still be alright.
6 <3s
Friday, February 16
Sinyee#6> Haha thanks thanks. It's fine being uh, vulgar here because as you can see from my post. It's alot more vulgar than just wahlau or freak or wth. xD
Sylvia> Yeahh BIG BIG bar of DARK chocolates! Wheee (:
Sharm> LOL, no larh, im not chio de can, i have a common face! Haha. Yeah the two are hopeless cases of extreme childishness xP
Jieren> Ehh..what red and white and singapore larh -.- Lame. Zzz.
Sweecheng> LOL you probably already knw since i already told you today.
Yangling> Uh, anything lorh. Yeah happy cny to you too =D
Yanjie> LOL i think i still look the same larh. Hahaha.
Today was CNY celebrations! Thought it was rather crap larh, but ohwell, they are all efforts from the school and whoever else involved. Haha okay. Only had AGH's lesson, wrote si han today. Was rather nice larh considering it was only writing. Then went to hall for concert le.
Shan't talk much bout the celebration because it was nothing much.
The best part was probably community singing. 3H girls came into a circle and started zi highing. Haha, 3H people are fun! Then we went back to class for class cleaning, talked about CIP. I don't knw why i am the only rvtt-ian who cannot be excused from cca cip for class cip in 3H larh! Argh.
Thought of class name. Like finally. Settled with 3 Hapsburg!
A royal German family that supplied rulers to a number of European states from the late Middle Ages until the 20th century.
Haha, so cool right! And we're all under the autocratic rule of the sole queen who reigns 3H, Miss Chia! And then we let Mr Tan be the Advisor. Melvin's the Duke. And im the Dutchress. Whee. Going to make a superchio noticeboard together with welfare leaders. Hoping the end product will rock the class like siao. We're all royalties wor! (:
After school went for the very first 3H class lunch. Though not really class lunch. Everyone who turned up was pearly, yanyi, rousi, sylvia, kristie, me, junbin, chentao, jianlong, jieren, sweecheng, acer, junhao, yuhong and vincent. We finished lunch and went je library and lagged from 2+pm to 6.30pm! We talked like so many thing, from family, to class to like everything! And watch yuhong, jieren they all play with the vending machine.
Discussed about the board with sylvia and jieren. Thought of materials, mapped out the layout and stuff. Checked price. Hopefully can meet the deadline of next friday! The board's gonna rock! (:
I <3 3H!
Thursday, February 15

Today was a boring day at school. Like when isn't it? So many people falling asleep here and there during physics lesson. CID was damn retarded larh. Couldn't get to extract a single shit out of the strawberries we were using and it almost overflowed from the apparatus. Ohwell. We redid it with pandan leaves. All it smells like was like grass instead of anything nice at all. LOL.
Chinese lessons was exciting. We had some spelling competition. It was supposed to be some lameshit game which only AGH could think of larh. And my group got me, sylvia, wanglie, yufan and acer! Thought would be very bad. But then it's very fun to keep shouting to yufan and acer how to write the word when they go up. Our group won in the end =DD
I came back home early today, supposedly going out with my mother to sought for new year clothes. Haven't bought any. Pathetic =x But then anyway i also not really celebrating this year need to look very nice. When i came back, was too tired and raining too, so didn't go out afterall. I'm going to sleep early today because there's nothing to be handed up tmr! Woohoo!
After CNY, school would seriously be like hell. All the tests like piling up on thursday. There are like 5 school days in the week, why must all those tests cram into thursday? Want us stress to death uh?! Zzz. I'm probably flunking everything except chinese. Okay, maybe i'll flunk that too. After CNY going into Dunearn match, semi-finals then finals. God bless RVTT please. We'll win them all (:
I must stop being so slack and do my work le. Arghh..
Getting so emo nowadays. Actually i agree with Junice. Emo posts make the blogger sound like so pathetic and blah. But then, sometimes i just can't help but be emo. I think i have good reason to be emo, if you even knw what larh. Being emo and typing up an emo post can seriously help to relieve a little bit of that stress bottled up inside. Call me emo, call me pathetic, i don't care.
What else must i still care about when the one i want to care for most is gone? It's all youyouyouyouyou in my head nowadays. Don't tell me to let go and forget. I'm doing none of that. Because i want it to stay till it can't go on anymore.
Wednesday, February 14
If you got NOTHING BETTER to do in your module, would you mind please like go FUCK YOURSELVES AND DIE OFF somewhere else and not come here and use my tagboard and make UNINTELLIGENT AND IMBECILLIC remarks which only show you two as FUCKING RETARDS. My blog is not the place for the two of you to practice how to be an asshole. It's really pretty damn sad to see 14 year old people act like childish idiots. PLEASE FUCKING GROW UP.
Assholes. Ruined my mood.
Ohwell. Was V'day today, as everyone knws. Prepared all the presents i have to give to people and i went to school with a full paper bag. When i reached school, i put the 2 correction tapes i bought for my secret valentine - Jonathan, on his table with the note which i asked my younger bro to write for me. Of course the handwriting is like shit, so he can't guess mah. LOL. Then i gave him the kinder surprise after the secret valentines were revealed. Kunhong gave me a flower which is very nice. He got me as secret valentine. Shame that he has to go and ruin the impression i have of him. tsk.
That's the flower that kunhong gave me. And the RED MORINGO! <33!>
Candies & Chocolates galore! The biggest bar of chocolate is from jieren and sylvia. Dars from sherry. Big lollipop from yeejin. Smaller one beside from pearly. And various others from juniors + seniors + classmates. Thanks everyone (:
After school had module. Was very interesting this time because chia kelli teach. About American Revolution now already. After module, i went fuhua to support the C div girls. They won both schools today! =D After that, we went to je for dinner. And look at my juniors zi-high and zi-lian on the bus.
PinNing and Kaikai =DDD
Yijun and Gohhua (:
Then after dinner, went to take neos with them. At first i didn't want to take, because im seriously hell broke. But they paid for me, so nice of them (: It turned out rather nice. Waiting for gohhua to scan it before i can upload. I look so 'central' because they are all in red and im in pinafore! Ohwell. Haha. Then i thought i lost my hp. Went running around searching for it. In the end, pinning found it hanging on her bag -.- Haha. LOL.
Just can't help but think of you...
Monday, February 12
Okay, all of us are happy but then i was kind of disappointed. Because i didn't play well at all today. My backhand was damn off-form and my forehand although on-form, i don't dare to use it. Zzz.. Was second doubles for fuhua match. I was on-form bah, kept having chances to smack and flip. Then subsequent matches kept getting worse and worse until i can't attack anymore.
In the end, still won 3-2. I hate half fight. Damn scary and stupid ): I played until damn pek chek there larh. Like crap, i thought the doubles supposed to be very strong, then i see them play until like that, don't knw they anyhow play de or serious de larh. Then i was just damn pek chek and being super vulgar. HAHA.
Second match i was first doubles. That pair from bukit view is lousy like shit. And STILL half fight, i even more pek chek. Don't knw what the hell is wrong with me larh. Jiao lian said i wasn't playign wellat all today. Really could have got it over with straight 3-0. In the end like damn stressed when set score 2-1 they leading. If we lose then the rest will demoralised. Then we chiong and won.
Our school played damn long. Last school to go. Then i went to eat dinner with zhijun, reached home at 8.45pm. Like so late. Don't need to do anymore hw, everything say i match no time to do. Hahaha. Why must one day got two matches, damn tiring one larh wth.
Maybe my performance got affected afterall. But still, thanks to my hu shen fu (:
Sunday, February 11
After tuition went to je lib to search for history maps and stuff while i wait for sylvia. I found two useful books and took picts with it using my hp. I didn't knw my hp had such a powerful zoom. LOL. Saw Sweecheng, Elijah and Jianlong at the library. Then i went home.
And that's the end.
Tmr's the day. Jiayou B girls!
I missed it by a second. Just one second. Is this really going to happen? It's just 2 hours more. I didn't knw i will be so shaken, i thought i won't be affected. The tears just kept coming and i can't stop them at all. Playing the sad songs over and over again, thinking back on all the times. All the promises, everytime we talked. Doesn't help me at all. Cos we've been too close and now i can't let go. Wait for it to fade away, or probably not at all.
I'll be strong. It isn't going to affect my performance tmr.
Nostalgic ):
Never really started, but didn't want to put it to an end.
Never thought i will be so affected, guess i fell too deep afterall.
Didn't even realise it myself.
Thought i finally had what i wanted, but still lost completely to time.
I can't stand that distance, can't stand that uncertainty.
Fought so hard to hold on to it, but it's all out of my control.
Because there are long years ahead, things happen, people change.
You'll change. I'll change. We all change.
Don't have that faith to challenge time. No, i don't have that faith.
Just can't explain what i really want to say.
I didn't mean to be emo ):
Saturday, February 10
Went for training early in the morning. Half asleep, really very tired. Trained and trained. Like what else can i say about it larh. Halfway through someone went chapel there to spray that insecticide thing. So we all evacuated to the canteen. Jiao lian dicsussed some tactics with us and such. Me pearly and rousi started saying random things about 3H.
Went back and started playing again. Until 12+ then went jec for lunch. After that went library to search for physics articles with zhijun. Then pearly rousi and jaslin joined us after a while. We must have looked crazy. Big pile of New Scientists and Focus and Scientist American all over the floor. Spent liek 2 hours there searching for 2 related articles. Finally found and photocopied. Doubt i will understand =x
Then i went home on 99, totally exhausted and looking for a good 45min of sleep on that bus. I got the 15min. And a bunch of guys from this XXX school boarded and sat close to me. Started making this big din and disruppted my sleep. I stayed wide awake for the rest of the 30min glaring at the them. Tmd. Stupid people.
And i came back and slaxked.
Argghh tmr ):
Friday, February 9
Ohwell, shall not talk about lessons because they are (as usual) extremely boring. Maybe except Singapore Studies =D Haha, i was telling sylvia that i have this BIGGG crush on my co-form, Mr Tan. NOT Tan Lian Seng or Tan Kim Chuan! Haha but of course, im just joking. LOL.
3H decided to play a game today. Something like angel and mortal. But now is secret valentine. Haven't even picked the secret valentine. Like must take so long. First is because they keep exchanging and telling others then second time was because of a mix-up in the lots we're drawing. Zzz at first i got simon, second time i got junbin. Heard that junbin got me for second time also. Haha so coincidental. But then all not counted. Monday repick.
Gohsm released late again today. Damn it i cannot stand her liao man -.- Her lessons are hell boring then always give us LONGGG answers to copy and blah blah blah. Then went out and saw the sec 4s of 2006 in the canteen and hall waiting to collet their O levels results. Our rvtt seniors did well, proud of them all. especially you! (:
Training was like...i don't knw whether it's the training that is hiong or it's just me. I was exhausted by like 4.30pm. Gahs. But then jiao lian still forced me to continue. And then i went home alone.
Still got training tmr! Plus homework, omg.
1. Language Arts formal letter
2. Math handout
3. Qing Nian Wen Zhai
4. Physics articles
5. Physics graph
6. History PW
7. Yangling's tuition work -.- Also don't knw drag how long liao.
Omg match is starting on monday!
It's a happy day today =D (No link)
Thursday, February 8 today will be yet another boring old routine-daily-life kind of post. Leave if you feel bored halfway. I'm not feeling entertaining so, don't blame me for an uninteresting post. Not like my posts have ever been interesting anyway.
Had 30min to think of class name today. Initially settled on 3Huh? Which i thought was rather dumb. Miss chia didn't accept it anyway, so still had to choose another one. I wonder when this will ever be done. I'm getting damn sick of thinking about the same things over and over again. I hope it could be settled quickly then..
I have no idea how im going to pass my math. I'm not exactly very good at memorising all the formulas and stuff. Ohwell.
History, didn't really talk much. Supposed to do a project work. I'm doing it with sylvia. CID was...smelly. It's a totally normal word to describe it, considering im in Scents and Fragrances cluster. Cutting up orange skin, extracting essential oils etc. Our group was rather alright. Released 10min late.
Rushed back for physics. Goh sm not happy because class didn't answer her questions. Not like we could help it. She is damn boring. Lang Arts, i don't even want to talk about it. I'm wondering if hook is supposed to come in and talk bout letters and letters all the time? Chinese was, stupid. It always is. I don't knw what is AGH's problem. Not like i want to knw anyway. I can't remember anything else.
After school went training with sherry, zhijun, edmund and antonio. I played match with sherry most of the while. lost more than won. Left at 5.30pm. I went Anchorpoint to get something. Then i took 198 back and reached at 7.50pm. And got nagged at by my father because i've been reaching home at like close to 8pm for this whole week. And probably tmr too, since there's training. And that is out of my control.
And so ends my boring old day.
& so im nothing to you? Just kept criticising me, like im worthless and all. Just because i don't help you in some things, do you really have to put me down like that? Yeah of course, my brothers are THE BEST. My older brother is 3rd in his class in a neighbourhood school. You asked me why i can't be third in my class.. Yeahyeah, my younger brother got the bursary this year along with my older brother. Yeahyeah, i didn't get anything at all. I'm hopeless already. Yeahyeah. Everything is my fault.
V day want to buy stuff for my friends you also not happy, say V day should tell my friends that i love my father and mother. Saying you always give me money when you bring me to school in your car. Hello, when's the last time i even set foot in your goddamn car larh. Ask me i buying for guy or girl. This is stupid. I'm not 3 years old, i can think for myself. And i think im alot more sensible than you think i am. At least i didn't get into ANY relationships since entering of secondary school like you bet i would. Save the bullshit larh.
Tell my brother he get bursary he will give my brother extra $100 increasing every year. & i asked you what if i got a bursary. And you said "You won't get it because you're too proud of yourself" Crazy. I don't even knw what the hell you're saying. Too proud of myself, that was like my PRIMARY 3's mentality and ego. This shows what you knw about me only stopped at primary 3. Which is extremely shi bai. And it doesnt help by saying i wont get it.
Never got abit of encouragement from you. Tell me don't be a kaypoh and be chairperson. Tell you i cross country 21st got a trophy, you told me "21st so lousy also can get trophy?" Trainings you also don't support. Tell me i won't ever get far with playing table tennis. Tell me not to go for trainings on saturdays because they are a waste of time. Tell me no use in getting into RV when i have such academic results. Tell me i would be the first in RV to go into ITE. Quite a large amount of encouragement you gave me huh?
You can't blame me for not liking to stay home. Because you were the one who made me feel like im nothing, NOTHING AT ALL to you nor the family. Made me feel ever so unimportant. So why am i even trying to be a better daughter? I'm nothing in your eyes anymore.Don't tell me i don't knw how to appreciate what they have done for me. I knw it clearly well what im saying and i don't think it sounds childish of sorts. I have never addressed my father and mother as dad or mum or anything like that. Just father and mother. I don't feel even close enough to call mum or dad. I knw clearly well that i have never really liked, not to mention loved, my family before.
Giving me money for allowance and providing for me = love me? WOW. NEWSFLASH.
Because after all that, it's hard to believe you even cared at all.
I have no idea why i did that. Bu si xin ye hai mei fang qi.
Wednesday, February 7
Ong Ming Jie & Jonathan> Obviously, you, yes you, singular, have got nothing better to do. Although it's only early Feb, i think i knw my classmates enough to knw that the two of them are not so wuliao to tag such imbecilic comments. I HATE people using others' names and imposting. And doing such things at your age is rather childish. If you are someone from 3H, i can only say: Please reflect.
Jonathan Ng> LOL, i presume that imposer is trying to fake the jonathan from my class, since jonthan and rousi are tablemates.
Anon> I don't see why you have to knw unless you are someone from the team. And i presume you are too, since someone out of the team will not bother to knw anything about MY juniors. So please could you state your grand name and be proud that your parents gave it to you. If not, i don't think you have the right to knw anything.
Sweecheng> LOL you don't take advantage of sylvia hor. Next time she pek cek liao don't help you do then you'll die. Haha.
Pearly> LOL. Yeah a joke. Whatever.
Rousi & OmJ> Relax rousi. Just some wuliao imposters. Yeah well, it's lame.
Chingxin> ERM. You don't have to like announce to everyone who reads my blog that she lu4 her RED 'inner beauty' HAHA. Yeah i knw jonneh. LOL.
Ohwell, i wonder why the people in my class managed to find my blog and sort of spammed it while i wasn't online. Really la, to the imposter, if you are someone from 3H, you should seriously go and reflect okay. The worst thing is that you are imposting using your own classmates' names. & to anon, i really think you must be a junior. But whatever larh. If you are someone from the team just go ahead and tag with your name la. Anonymous taggers pisses me off more than AP juniors alright. Just want to make this clear.
Woke up late again today, not surprising. Wanted to sleep during lessons again. And considering the fact that today is wednesday and we only have 3 proper lessons, and i feel like sleeping. Yeah, it must be pretty damn bad. Probably only PDP was nice. It's always nice. Ohwell.
Math got what, COMMON TEST next week. Woo. I'm telling you right now, it's going to be a failure grade for me. Zzz
Editorial board meeting was so long-winded. But i managed to eat into about 45min of my module time. Seriously module makes me want to sleep. No, not that im not interested. I am, but it's like 3+pm and my brain shuts down. I'm one of the feature writers ayway. Didn't want to join graphics with sylvia and xinyu and josephine. And module released like 45mins late today?! So i still attended the full 2 hours la.
After module i bought my special 4, instead of 6. And i did something i don't knw.. in popular. There's this two person, i think buying project work materials. Then the cashier scanned everything. Then i saw they bought 8 files which costed $4.10 each. And then they really bought alot of things. In the end, the total amount was only $19.95 Then i was rather stunned and i saw their receipt. The cashier only scanned the price of one of the files and forgot to multiply $4.10 by 8. That's why it's so cheap in the end. I mean, $4.10 X 8 is already $32.80 larh, how to be $19.95 -.- So after i paid for my stuff, i started off after the two, who didn't seemed to have noticed and told them about it. I don't knw what they think or what, the lady just said "thanks" and i went off. They probably hate me for pointing it out to them or smth. =x I thought it was rather guailan to do that larh. But if i didn't say then popular would have made a loss of $28.70. Okay, not my problem. I don't knw la, because i was forced to make a decision of whether to tell the person in about 2 seconds. And i still told them. Ohwell.
Then joined the C div for dinner at jec. C boys won both hong kah and unity 5-0. Good job guys. And we're next. In 5 days.
Tuesday, February 6
Couldn't concentrate in Hook's class at all. Don't knw what's my problem. Was like going to die when he asked us to write a forml letter in class or whatever. I just hate doing assignments in class, where my level of focus is like at its lowest point. The 1 hour lesson seemed to drag on forever. Was it just me? Damn relieved when his lesson finally let out to PE.
Ran two rounds today. With sharmie again. She's a pro. Then we did shuttle run. Stupid one larh. Last two person who completes the run in each row have to do push-ups for punishment. The girls were lined up after the guys. When they finished, they started placing bets on which girl would complete the run first. Kind of like betting horses. In this case, we are those horses. Zzz. Then next round the girls started betting on the guys too. Yuhong and Sweecheng runs damn fast la.
When we finished i did some push-ups with the last two, and my knee is grazed and it hurts like shit.
We saw our belovedvedved drama teacher today! And as expected, she is dressed in RED. From head to toe. Woot. Red hair (that's bad enough), red shirt, red bag, red shoes, red toenails, and something else which is red. LOL. We love our drama teacher! Like real.
Chinese lessons was the same old lame things. So was chem. I can't stand siting with that 3 guys already. Now i'd rather nelson keep his mouth shut. I'd rather have a partner who is always sleeping in class or who doesn't have a normal functioning mouth. Sitting with that 3 crazy fellows will pollute my already polluted mind. Damn it, they are seriously SICKENINGLY GROSS OKAY. Crap la.
Math was as usual. History as usually interesting. Ohwell.
Met my juniors today. Already blacklisted a girl. Who also happens to be blacklisted by quite a number of us. She's got an attituded face, a kaobei attitude. She scolded jingzhan who is her senior. I only knw, she'll have a lot to learn from me. I'm happy i have such stuck up juniors. No, it's singular, junior. Shan't drag the rest down with her as well. Then went for training.
And trained and trained and trained. Got thrashed by sherry in a match. Just couldn't keep my mind on things. And so ends my day. I'm tired and im going to sleep at 11pm like a good girl. Jiao lian said we should sleep nth later than 10.30pm =x.
C boys are starting tournament tmr. Sad i can't go because of module. Jiayou juniors!
Monday, February 5
Lessons were rather boring (as usual). PE was floorball again but i don't knw why tkc went to the opposing team to be the goalkeeper. Then he walked away abruptly in the middle of the game without saying anything and he left the goal open. We almost scored. 3-2 in the end. Guess who won? Nah, of course not my team.
Chemistry lesson was over the top. The class is really too much sometimes. Had they thought Mr Teo was like invisible or something? I didn't want to shout at them, ask xinyu. Was sort of in a dilemma whether i should just shut my mouth or do something. I opted for the latter then. Was about 10 seconds before the class got noisy again. Sharmie suddenly went OEI! and i was like stunned. LOL.
Drama -.- How much redder can she get larhs. Crap. And she had to pick me and sylvia to read the dialogue too. I can't believe im going to go specially for drama lesson next monday and leave for tournament 1 hour later. Maybe i'll change my mind.
Lang arts was...think i don't have to continue. Practically nothing to say at all. Math was all going through and copying the answers from Mr Liu because most of the people can't do the questions. I drew the diagrams into my notebook now. Positive influence by sylvia. Yayy.
School let out and went for b boys tournament. Was rather boring because it was like no fight. They won against shuqun and hillgrove. Then we all went to jec to eat together. 2 more days, C boys jiayou. Sorry i can't go support you all because i got module ):
Random post.
Wondering why im feeling so skeptical when im typing this post now. I thought i was in a rather high mood in school. Maybe i acted that all out =x. Like not much of a mood now. I don't knw how i should feel larh. & i still don't knw whether im the one thinking too much or what. I don't want this to occupy my mind anymore. It sucks ):
Byebye im going to sleep.
I think im too paranoid. I always second-guess people's kindness. I always wonder what motive they have. I think i really think too much. Sometimes maybe i just need assurance that i really do have one or two people who are totally true. Because much as i wanted to believe, whatever that happened so far had proved me wrong one too many times. Maybe that is why i don't trust so easily. That's why i have so many insecurities. About everyone and everything. Sometimes even assurance from someone can set me thinking whether i really have anyone with me at all. Anyone.
& anyway the purpose of this post is not about paranoia at all.
Sunday, February 4
So far, i only manage to do the chinese work. And i tried doing math. But i found myself stunned damn long at the paper, don't knw how to do. (As always.) Ohhell, how am i going to ever pass my math larh. Grr. I seriously need to sit with sylvia instead of nelson larh. I'm not trying to say nelson is not good, he's starting to talk a LITTLEEEEE bit more. Just a little. Ohwell. Because everytime i see sylvia's work: All done, damn neat. I feel a need to keep up with her. Not like now, practically don't knw how to do all my math questions. Zzz. Sylviaaaaaaa~
Damn it larh, will my comp like stop disconnecting me or not. Makes me damn pissed off. 4 times in 1 min already. Grr.
I'm going to try to do my math again later. If not i guess i have to go copy again. It really doesn't make me feel good to copy someone's work and knw that i can't do it myself larh. & there isn't even a single subject i can do well in. Lousy. It's not like i never listen in class, but i nv seem to be able to recall. Damn it.
Okay, time i continued my renaissance work. Think i just hit a useful website. Like finally.
It starts tmr. B boys jiayou.
Saturday, February 3
Had training at Parc Oasis today. Things really lightened up alot, and im loving it =D Today wasn't very on form, and also didn't get to train alot because it was only like 2 hours long. I think i hurt my right shoulder joint or smth. Yesterday sort of 'jumped' to the side of the table to save a corner ball and i smacked in a weird angle. So today, everytime i smack will feel pain. And sadly, today's training was all about smacking. Haha. Tournament starting in just 9 days...wish me luck.
After training took very long to decide where to go eat lunch. In the end only me, zhijun and peiqi went jp macs. And we talked about our formation problem. Zzz, that is seriously a big headache larhs. Hopefully it will turn out right. Whichever way, my parter is carmen now! =D and we got this guailan handsign for my guailan ball. Carmen invented it! But then for some people in the team who knws, everytime she show me that handsign we'll start snickering like some crazy people. So they will knw immediately she showed me the guailan handsign. Haha okay.
After lunch, we went to my favourite shop POPULAR! -.- Haha, zhijun was looking for materials for her class's green box. And i need to buy foolscap and exercise book. Anyway me and zhijun were talking about some senior farewell thing there and peiqi kept trying to sneak around and listen. And we went around waving long sticks of rolled up paper to keep her away. LOL. Zhijun rushed home after that. Me and peiqi went wandering around jp. And saw the stage in the centre of jp, with the comics character Da Fan Shu (Big Potato -.-), in the middle of the stage and trying to act like a skit ot smth out. And i took a look at the kids sitted infront of the stage, i decided they weren't really interested. Hahaha. I mean, i doubt 3 year old kids in this generation knws who the hell is Da Fan Shu anyway. And i think they probably didn't understand anything he was trying to act either. LOL.
Peiqi kept trying to pull me into Toys'R'Us there. And called me 'mummy' when i refused -.- Hahaha.
I came back and mapped out my list of V'day presents and found that it would burn a super big hole in my pocket! Which my pocket only contains 10 bucks anyway =x Haha, im a poor girl who doesn't even save money! Tsktsktsk. Guess i would need subsidy from my mother. Must go buy the special 6 soon, need time to do them. Estimate that they should cost me about 40+ bucks in all -.- Waah this poor girl here is overwhelmed my this big sum of money she has to pay! -.- Alright...i'll give as many people as i can. While my stocks last, so when you see me on V'day, faster ask for a present first! LOLL.
Okay, im supposed to finish all of yangling's hw if not she will surely kill me tmr. Heh. I doubt i will finish it anyway =x
Oh anyway to any 3H people reading this, please remember to bring $16 for the qing nian wen zhai on monday or AGH will slaughter me and melvin -.-
Okay i knw this is a very boh liao post because i got a boh liao life. I'll try to think of smth interesting to blog about. Anticipate it. =D
2 more days, jiayou B boys. RVTT jiayou.
Training was rather meaningful... Had a thrashout session and cleared out much of the tension with the team these few days. And that's the reason why the post is gone. It's been resolved, and i don't think there is a need for that post anymore. I definitely learnt more about myself, and it's seriously time for some self reflection. This is a very short post because i have very messed up thoughts now so..shall blog after tmr's training.
To a and b: It's resolved okay, in case you stilll don't knw. I didn't make anyone cry too. Chairperson as the name suggests is also a person, in other words, a human. Please don't think ppl with rings are like gods or smth. Humans err. I'm also sorry i didn't realise earlier i was acting like a bitch. (I'm not being sarcastic okay, i mean what i say). And i don't think i will feel much if someone did this to me. It's not like i never got badmouthed or backstabbed before. I realise how much damage i am doing, the purpose of this whole reply here anyway. And to make things clear, i don't do backstabbing okay. And obviously, you don't even knw me so well to call me a bitch la. Don't judge before you knw me well enough, precisely why i changed my mind about the ostrasicing thing. But whatever, i've made my reply in which i dun think needs to be replied by you at all so you get my idea, and that is enough. And tag with your real names la right, this is no top secret to hide or what la.